A radiographer at Tallaght Hospital was dismissed after a complaint about inappropriate conduct during an X-ray on a teenage patient. A CORU inquiry found him guilty of professional misconduct, leading to conditions on his registration.
Back & Neck Injury Claim
Back and neck injuries can happen due to various causes, resulting in mild to severe damage. These injuries affect the soft tissues and muscles, necessitating medical attention and rehabilitation. Injuries can occur anywhere at home, in the workplace, or in a public area. For a confidential consultation, please call us at 1800-844-104 for free or email [email protected].
Table of Contents
Common back and neck injury
1. Back injuries
- Slipped disc (also known as a herniated disc or disc prolapse): This occurs when the soft cushioning material (disc) between the vertebrae in the spine slips out of place, potentially pressing on nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness. Claims related to slipped discs often involve workplace injuries, such as lifting heavy objects or repetitive tasks that strain the back. Read More
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction: The sacroiliac joint connects the lower spine to the pelvis. Dysfunction in this joint can cause lower back pain and discomfort. Claims related to sacroiliac joint dysfunction may arise from workplace incidents, accidents, or conditions that stress the joint, such as heavy lifting or falls.
- Spondylolysis: refers to a stress fracture or defect in a section of the vertebrae, most commonly occurring in the lower back (lumbar region). Spondylolysis can result from repetitive strain, physical activities, or accidents that stress the spine excessively. Claims related to spondylolysis may involve workplace injuries, sports injuries, or accidents that impact the lower back region.
2. Neck injuries
- Whiplash: This is a common neck injury typically caused by the sudden back-and-forth motion of the head, often occurring in car accidents. Whiplash claims involve seeking compensation for neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and restricted mobility. Read More
- Slipped disc (Neck): Similar to a slipped disc in the back, a slipped disc in the neck (cervical spine) can occur, leading to pain, tingling, or weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms, or hands. Claims related to neck-related slipped discs can arise from various incidents, such as car accidents or workplace injuries.
- Cervical sprains and strains: These injuries involve damage to the ligaments (sprains) or muscles/tendons (strains) in the neck area, often caused by sudden movements, accidents, or repetitive stress. Claims related to cervical sprains and strains may result from workplace incidents, road traffic accidents, or other traumatic events.
It’s essential to consult with a back and neck injury claim solicitor specialising in personal injury claims to understand the specific circumstances of your case and the legal options available to you. They can provide you with appropriate advice based on the details of your situation.
Causes of back and neck injury
In Ireland, back and neck injury claims can arise from various causes, including road accidents, workplace accidents, and incidents in public places. Here are some common causes divided into these categories:
1. Road accidents
- Car accidents: Collisions involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles, or pedestrians can cause back and neck injuries. These accidents may result from negligent driving, speeding, distracted driving, or failure to follow traffic rules. Read more
- Motorcycle accidents: Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to back and neck injuries due to the lack of protection compared to other vehicles. Accidents involving motorcycles, especially high-speed crashes or collisions with other cars, can lead to severe back and neck trauma. Read more
- Bicycle accidents: Similar to motorcycle accidents, cyclists are at risk of back and neck injuries in accidents involving collisions with vehicles, pedestrians, or hazardous road conditions. Read more
2. Workplace accidents
- Manual handling and lifting: Improper lifting techniques, overexertion, or handling heavy objects without adequate assistance or training can lead to back injuries in the workplace.
- Slips, trips, and falls: Falls from heights, slips on wet or uneven surfaces, or tripping over objects can cause back and neck injuries. These accidents can occur in various work environments, such as construction sites, offices, or retail establishments. Read more
- Repetitive strain injuries: Performing repetitive tasks, such as assembly line work or prolonged computer use without proper ergonomic support, can lead to back and neck injuries over time.
3. Public places
- Slips and falls: Injuries can occur in public places like shopping centres, sidewalks, or public parks due to hazards such as wet floors, icy surfaces, or poorly maintained walkways. Slip and fall accidents can result in back and neck injuries.
- Accidents in public transportation: Inadequate safety measures or sudden stops in buses, trains, or trams can cause passengers to experience jolts or impacts that result in back and neck injuries.
- Accidents in recreational areas: Back and neck injuries can occur in public recreational areas, including playgrounds, sports facilities, or swimming pools, due to accidents, inadequate supervision, or defective equipment.
It’s important to note that the causes of back and neck injuries may vary; these examples are not exhaustive. Suppose you have experienced a back or neck injury in any of these situations. In that case, it is advisable to consult with a Solicitor specialising in personal injury claims to assess the specifics of your case and explore your legal options.
Back and neck injury claim process
1. Contact our solicitor
Our team of experienced back and neck injury claim solicitors in Ireland is here to assist you with your claim. We understand that back and neck injury claims can be complex, and our solicitors will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
2. The PIAB Application
The first step in making a back and neck injury claim in Ireland is to make an application to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB). PIAB handles claims related to workplace injuries, road traffic accidents, serious injuries, and accidents in public places.
3. Submitting information and documents to PIAB
Your solicitor will gather all the necessary evidence, including medical reports and expert reports, and submit them to PIAB on your behalf.
4. Consent to assess the claim
Once the application is submitted, PIAB will formally notify the defendant(s) of the claim. The defendant(s) have 90 days to indicate whether or not they consent to the claim assessment. If the defendant consents, PIAB will proceed with the assessment. If they decline, an Authorisation will allow the claimant to bring court proceedings.
5. Claim assessment time
If PIAB is assessing the claim, issuing their assessment usually takes 9 months. This assessment reflects the general and special damages awarded regarding your claim. If both parties accept the assessment, PIAB will issue an Order to Pay, which must be discharged by the defendant(s) within 10 days. A settlement cheque will then be issued to the claimant. If either party rejects the assessment, an Authorisation will be granted by PIAB to bring court proceedings. Our back and neck injury claim solicitors will then work with you to ensure that your case is heard in court and that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Statute of Limitations
You have two years from the accident date to issue proceedings for a back and neck injury claim. If you are under 18, a separate set of rules apply, and we would recommend you contact our solicitors to talk about these. Learn more about the statute of limitation
Our team
Our dedicated team has over 30 years of experience, and we are ready to help you with your building site accident claim. Our team can guide you through the PIAB application and advise on the best course of action to ensure you are awarded the fairest compensation for your case.
At Coleman Legal LLP, we understand our client’s circumstances. We know that because you are reading this part of our website, you have likely been involved in an accident and perhaps have been injured. At times like this, you need the support of an experienced firm that can assist you with the practical issues that now confront you as a result of the fault of another. For example, you may need to understand your Social Welfare entitlements should you be out of work. Also, it’s important for you to know that your legal advisers will obtain all of the important Reports that may be required to ensure that you get the best outcome in your case. We provide a national service and can meet you locally to ensure that you have a voice and access to the best advice and resources that may be needed in your particular case. Our service is about you, the client and we speak plain English with no unnecessary legal jargon. Our teams have dealt with thousands of claims over many years and pride ourselves in our respectful and concerned approach to all of our clients.
Coleman Legal LLP
84 Talbot Street, Dublin 1
D01 YX60
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Fax: (01) 5312727
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.colemanlegalpartners.ie
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Clodagh Magennis
Head of Client Services
P: 1800-844-104
E: [email protected]
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