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HSE sued for over-medication in CAMHS (Kerry)
Coleman Legal LLP
May 15, 2021
HSE sued for over-medication. Coleman Legal has issued High Court medical negligence proceedings against the HSE on behalf of a minor boy.

Coleman Legal has issued High Court medical negligence proceedings against the Health Service Executive (HSE) on behalf of a minor boy, claiming that he was prescribed both incorrect and excessive amounts of medication.

HSE sued for over-medication

There are fears that a considerable number of children in South Kerry were prescribed doses of medication more suitable for adults than children, and that they may have suffered significant health issues as consequence. This is the first lawsuit to be taken in connection with those concerns.

Keith Rolls, (Partner at Coleman Legal, South) confirmed to the Irish Independent that the firm has been contacted by, and is currently taking instructions from, a number of other families concerned about treatment received by their children.

The HSE is reviewing the files of more than 1,500 patients who attended South Kerry Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) from 2016 to the end of last year. The review began on April 19 and is expected to take 16 weeks.

The issue was first discovered in the autumn of last year when a member of the South Kerry CAMHS team raised concerns about the care received by patients they were treating. A resulting sample review of 50 patients led to findings significant enough to prompt a full review. The matter was also referred to the Medical Council.

The full review is being led by Dr Sean Maskey, a consultant psychiatrist based in London. The HSE has said in a statement that Dr Maskey is providing independent expert oversight of the review process and that he will issue recommendations and findings to be published following the review’s conclusion.

The statement also noted that, if it comes to light during the course of the review that any child or young person is in need of immediate intervention or follow-up, they will be contacted directly.


Contact Keith Rolls

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Clodagh Magennis

Clodagh Magennis

Head of Client Services

F: 1800-844-104
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