The Scoping Inquiry has revealed close to 2,400 allegations of historical sexual abuse in religious-run schools across Ireland. The report, detailing the abuse inflicted on thousands of children, calls for a full Commission of Investigation and urges the government to consider financial redress for survivors.
Leg Injury & Amputation Claim
Coleman Legal LLP offers specialised assistance in managing leg injury & amputation claims. Our dedicated team’s profound familiarity with the Personal Injuries Guidelines will make sure you have the right amount of compensation.
Table of Contents
Leg injury & amputation claim
Factors affecting the compensation
Source: The Personal Injuries Guidelines
In the evaluation of compensation awards for other leg injuries, several key factors are taken into account. These factors include:
- Age
- Scarring
- Nature, intensity, and duration of pain
- Type, scope, and duration of all necessary treatments, e.g., surgery, physiotherapy, medication;
- Presence or likelihood of degenerative changes
- Restricted movement or instability in the relevant joint
- Impact on quality of life and recreational pursuits
- Disruption of social and domestic routines
- Effect on employment
- Extent of scarring
- Psychological aftermath
- Future prospects
Compensation amounts
Source: The Personal Injuries Guidelines
1. Most severe non-amputation leg injuries (€100,000-€160,000)
Certain injuries, though not involving amputation, are so serious that the courts have granted damages at a comparable level. These injuries might involve extensive de-gloving of the leg, causing significant shortening of the leg, or instances where fractures have not fused and extensive bone grafting was needed.
2. Severe leg injuries (€90,000-€130,000)
Injuries causing permanent mobility issues, necessitating crutches or mobility aids for the claimant’s lifetime. Injuries resulting in prolonged fracture healing, necessitating extensive treatment and leading to substantial deformity and reduced movement, or where arthritis has developed in a joint requiring anticipated surgical intervention.
3. Serious leg injuries (€75,000-€100,000)
Severe compound or comminuted fractures or injuries to joints or ligaments resulting in instability, protracted treatment, a prolonged period of non-weight bearing, with a high likelihood of ensuing arthritis, along with noticeable scarring. To warrant an award within this range, a combination of such features will typically be requisite. Mobility capacity is generally markedly restricted. This category also includes injuries necessitating hip replacement due to ongoing or projected deterioration.
4. Moderate leg injuries (€50,000-€75,000)
This bracket encompasses cases featuring complex or multiple fractures or severe crush injuries, generally confined to a single limb.
5. Less severe leg injuries (€25,000-€50,000)
less severe fractures resulting in incomplete recovery or serious soft tissue injuries. In fracture cases, the individual would have experienced reasonable recovery but might retain a metal implant and/or a limp, diminished mobility, sensory loss, or discomfort. This range also applies to situations involving significant cosmetic deficits, functional limitations, and/or some nerve damage in the lower limbs due to serious soft tissue injuries.
6. Minor leg injuries (€500-€20,000)
- Simple femur fracture without articular surface damage.
- Basic tibia or fibula fractures or soft tissue injuries. Toward the upper end of this range are uncomplicated fractures causing ongoing mild symptoms and/or movement limitations. The lower end covers cases of complete recovery from simple fractures.
- Diverse soft tissue injuries, cuts, lacerations, bruising, or contusions that have fully or nearly completely healed, with any residual impairment being minor, including cosmetic issues.
- Similar to (iii) above, where all symptoms have resolved within six months.
Leg amputation
Factors affections compensation amount
Source: The Personal Injuries Guidelines
Several factors will impact the awarded amount for amputation cases, including:
- Age
- Location of the amputation (above or below the knee)
- The potential for prosthetics to restore functionality
- The extent and intensity of ongoing pain, including phantom pain
- Implications for independence
- Presence of any post-amputation effects, such as back pain or the risk of degenerative changes in the hips and spine
- Impact on leisure activities and quality of life
- Disruption of social and domestic routines
- Influence on relationships
- Effects on employment
- Psychological consequences, including depression
Compensation amount
Source: The Personal Injuries Guidelines
1. Loss of both legs (€280,000-€400,000)
2. Below knee amputation of both legs or feet (€200,000-€300,000)
3. Above knee amputation of one leg (€120,000-€160,000)
4. Below knee amputation of one leg or amputation of one foot (€100,000-€140,000)
Cause of leg injury
In Ireland, leg injuries and amputation claims can arise from various incidents, including but not limited to:
- Road traffic accidents involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians
- Workplace accidents, such as construction site mishaps, industrial incidents, or slips and falls
- Accidents on public or private premises, such as slips, trips, and falls
- Sports-related injuries, especially in high-contact or high-impact activities
- Medical malpractice or surgical errors that lead to severe leg injuries or complications necessitating amputation
- Defective products or equipment that result in leg injuries or the need for amputation
- Accidents involving heavy machinery or equipment
- Falls from heights, such as scaffolding or ladders
It’s important to note that the circumstances leading to leg injuries and amputations can vary widely, and the cause will influence the legal process and compensation claims.
Claim process
1. Seek assistance from leg injury claim solicitor
Our team of experienced leg injury and amputation claim solicitors is available to guide clients through the process of making an leg injury claim. Utilising a solicitor can simplify the paperwork and filing required for this process.
2. Apply to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB)
The next step is to make an application to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB). If your personal injury claim concerns anything other than medical negligence, some assaults, and some cases of entirely psychological injury, then your claim can be brought through PIAB. Examples of claims that PIAB covers include:
3. Provide necessary information and documents
Your solicitor will gather evidence, medical reports, and other expert reports, and submit them to PIAB for assessment.
4. Obtain consent for claim assessment
Once the application is made, PIAB will notify the defendant(s) and they must indicate within 90 days if they consent to the assessment of the claim. If consent is given, PIAB will proceed with the assessment. If denied, PIAB will grant authorisation for court proceedings.
5. Claim assessment
The assessment process usually takes about 9 months. If both parties accept PIAB’s assessment, an order to pay will be issued and must be discharged by the defendant(s) within 10 days. If rejected, an authorisation for court proceedings will be granted.
Statute of Limitations
You have two years from the accident date within which to issue proceedings. If you are under 18, a separate set of rules apply, and we would recommend you contact our solicitors to discuss these. To learn more about the statute of limitation for a leg injury claim, click here.
Our team
At Coleman Legal LLP, we understand our client’s circumstances. We understand that because you are reading this part of our website, you have likely been involved in an accident and perhaps have been injured. It’s at times like this that you need the support of an experienced firm that can assist you with the practical issues that now confront you as a result of the fault of another.
For example, you may need to understand your Social Welfare entitlements should you be out of work. Also, it’s important for you to know that your legal advisers will obtain all of the important Reports that may be required to ensure that you get the best outcome in your case.
We provide a national service and can meet you locally to ensure that you have a voice and access to the best advice and resources needed in your particular case. Our service is about you, the client and we speak plain English with no unnecessary legal jargon. Our teams have dealt with thousands of claims over many years and pride ourselves in our respectful and concerned approach to all of our clients.
Coleman Legal LLP
84 Talbot Street, Dublin 1
D01 YX60
Contact Details
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Fax: (01) 5312727
Email: [email protected]
Online Enquiry Form: Apply
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Clodagh Magennis
Head of Client Services
P: 1800-844-104
E: [email protected]
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