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Defective Block Multiparty Action in The High Court
Coleman Legal LLP
March 14, 2023
Coleman Legal LLP represents over 1700 homeowners in a defective block case. Cassidy Brothers agreed to quarry inspection for substandard concrete blocks.

Defective Block Scandal: Cassidy Brothers agrees to quarry inspection in High Court case

Coleman Legal LLP’s Defective Block Team were in the Commercial Court (a division of the High Court) this morning, the 13th of March 2023, where the first named defendants, Cassidy Brothers Concrete Products Ltd, agreed to inspection and sampling at their quarry in Co. Donegal.

Our firm is representing over 1700 homeowners who have been affected by the defective blocks scandal in Donegal over the past two decades.

We have issued proceedings in the High Court on behalf of many clients to recover losses incurred due to both physical damage to their properties and also the emotional distress and anxiety caused by such damage to their homes.

Please find the recent interview of Dave Coleman (managing partner Coleman Legal LLP) by Ann Owens (Homeowner and Campaigner), in which they discuss the latest updates on the High Court legal cases for defective blocks.

Central to these cases is the claim that Cassidy Brothers Concrete Products Ltd. sold building materials, namely concrete and blocks, that did not meet the standards for safe construction. These blocks and ready-mixed concrete were, therefore, not fit for purpose.

High Court proceedings have been issued against Cassidy Brothers Concrete Products Ltd, Donegal County Council and the National Standards Authority of Ireland. The cases against the second and third defendants relate to the fact that both organisations are considered the relevant market surveillance authorities in relation to local construction products.

As such authorities, they failed to perform appropriate checks on the products and to remove the defective products from circulation. A team of geology and concrete experts will carry out the inspection of the quarry in Co. Donegal, which was agreed to in Court today, over the next few months. The matter is due back in court on October 16th, 2023.

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Clodagh Magennis

Clodagh Magennis

Head of Client Services

F: 1800-844-104
E: [email protected] 

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